Youth News

I have been so busy, but I have finally had the time to give you a 'report' on my 2025 NYSF experience. I also added a video of us staffies doing the dance to the main song of NYSF, 'Take On Me', which hopefully should work. 
Thank you for all your work with NYSF! I know that the Bendigo students make up a huge portion of NYSF now because of all the work you put in to convince students to not only apply but to give them the funds needed to participate in the program. All that effort has contributed to the Bendigo NYSF alumni having an unforgettable experience.
Thanks again Lynne!
Youth News Alison Bacon 2025-02-04 13:00:00Z 0

Catering for the CFA Championships 

An annual event that we enjoy supporting.  As the competitions heat up, so too did our bbq.  Serving egg & bacon sandwiches early in the day, and with the dim sims in high demand, our members were kept busy keeping up.  Sausages with onion were popular for the lunch time rush and the ice cold drinks were in hot (or should that be cold) demand!  The late cancellation of the Sunday event was totally understandable given the high temperatures but we will be back on deck again on the 15th & 16th February when Bendigo has agreed to the CFA late request to host another event.  Always a lot of fun and a great opportunity for our club to partner with another local service organisation.
Catering for the CFA Championships Alison Bacon 2025-01-31 13:00:00Z 0

Australia Day 2025

The weather, the company, the entertainment and the official presentation to our Eaglehawk Citizen of the Year - what a great day! 
Australia Day 2025 Alison Bacon 2025-01-25 13:00:00Z 0

Youth News

Our Bendigo students have been attending NYSF over the January holidays. It was great to hear from some of our BSSC students from Brisbane. See their email and photo below.

The quarterly cluster youth meeting will be held in February so will keep you posted with the minutes later.  There is a lot to discuss with so many amazing youth programs in which Rotary is involved.

Youth News Alison Bacon 2025-01-23 13:00:00Z 0

Charismatic Teacher, Musician, and Mentor Named Eaglehawk’s Top Citizen for 2025

Albert Skipper, commonly known as Skip, will be honoured as the Eaglehawk Citizen of the Year during a culturally diverse and inclusive Australia Day celebration next Sunday, 26 January.  In announcing this distinction, Alison Bacon, President of the Rotary Club of Eaglehawk, stated that Skip has an impressive history of contributing to the community by teaching English and music to thousands of toddlers and children over many years.
"Skip is truly exceptional, having made a significant and positive impact on Eaglehawk through his musical talents, skateboarding skills, and ownership of Skip’s Skateboard Shop on Sailors Gully Road.  "His professional and voluntary commitments, coupled with his personal qualities, have enabled him to create a central hub in Eaglehawk for social connection, which is invaluable for mental health and community cohesion,” said Alison.
Charismatic Teacher, Musician, and Mentor Named Eaglehawk’s Top Citizen for 2025 Alison Bacon 2025-01-22 13:00:00Z 0

Australia Day Community Breakfast

One of the annual features on our club calendar is the free Community Breakfast as part of Australia Day.  Come along and enjoy the early morning beauty of Canterbury Park and the free BBQ breakfast from 8.30am.  Then the announcement of the Eaglehawk Citizen of the Year and another special performance by our local Karen Community.
Australia Day Community Breakfast Alison Bacon 2025-01-10 13:00:00Z 0

Ho Ho Ho - Santa arrives early .....

Congratulations to the winners of the Rotary Christmas Trailer Raffle. 1st Prize (Trailer and contents) goes to J. Smith from Charlton. 2nd Prize ($1,000 gift voucher for Reilly's Designer Appliances) goes to L. Jesser from Wandong, and 3rd Prize ($300 Fuel Voucher) goes to B. Dennis from Bendigo.
A huge thanks to all who purchased tickets, your support of our fundraising efforts is greatly appreciated. We also thank the following Community Groups -
Inner Wheel
Wildlife Rescue
Dragons Abreast
Women of Note
City of Greater Bendigo Brass Band
Riding for Disabled
who partnered with us to ensure ticket sales continued throughout the community for the last three months.
Congratulations to all involved - a great fundraising effort that enables much needed funds to be dispersed throughout the community to support our very worthwhile community and Rotary projects and programs.
Ho Ho Ho - Santa arrives early ..... Alison Bacon 2024-12-18 13:00:00Z 0

Double Celebration

When a new member joins our team it's always a time to celebrate - Karen Armstrong first came to our club in January and was keen to strengthen her connection with us and join! A new member is always a cause for celebration but today especially it is a double celebration, as we wish Karen a very Happy Birthday. We hope you have enjoyed some wonderful family time today.
Double Celebration Alison Bacon 2024-12-06 13:00:00Z 0

Australia Day 2025

Forms now available to download from the drop down menu at the top of this web site to nominate for the
Citizen of the Year or Young Citizen of the Year
Australia Day 2025 Alison Bacon 2024-11-21 13:00:00Z 0

And the winner is ......

Congratulations to Jane Garvey from Camberwell - the winner of the Grange Raffle 2024. We thank all those who purchased a ticket and supported this club fundraising initiative. Club recognition to Secretary John Jones who has again conducted this raffle, worked hard to sell tickets and since the first Grange Raffle has raised significant funds for our club. Well done to all involved.
And the winner is ...... Alison Bacon 2024-11-06 13:00:00Z 0

Service Groups working together ......

An invitation to the Eaglehawk Fire Brigade Awards Night provided a lovely surprise. Our club was presented with the Eaglehawk Fire Brigade Lola Miller Community Recognition Award - an acknowledgement of the financial support provided by our club to the Brigade. A great night honouring the service of the many volunteer CFA members within the Eaglehawk Brigade, and a great opportunity to highlight the successful partnership of our two organisations.
Service Groups working together ...... Alison Bacon 2024-10-26 13:00:00Z 0

Walk to End Polio

Some of our club members took to the streets (or the walking path at the local lake actually) to raise awareness of the Walk to End Polio campaign.  You can see by the photo how bright we were - you couldn't miss us!  Special thanks to PDG Ron Payne for organising the day, and to our wonderful District Foundation Director, PDG Grant Hocking, always a wonderful supporter of not only our club but does a great job in the promotion of Rotary's efforts to rid the world of Polio - and we are so very very close now!  Thanks team, you are to be congratulated for your efforts in ensuring the day raised the profile of our efforts to end Polio.
Walk to End Polio Alison Bacon 2024-10-19 13:00:00Z 0

Ever wondered what Rotary and Rotarians do?..........

This will give you an idea on how we fill in the time ......

What’s happening at our next few meetings - 
Wednesday 16th October – Official Club Visit by DG Michael Lapina
Wednesday 23rd October – Guest Speaker Night.
CFA - Sharon Maloney
Wednesday 30th October – Public Holiday – no meeting
Wednesday 6th November – Service Above Self - Club Committees Meet
We have the following events  in the club diary -
Saturday 19th  October 2024
BBQ – Fitzpatricks Home Hardware
Sunday October 20th
9am - Club Polio Awareness Walk around Lake Neangar
Lunch Time – BBQ Catering for the CFA at the Eaglehawk Fire Station
Saturday November 2nd
BBQ – Lunch at the 60th Anniversary Celebrations for the Eaglehawk Secondary College
Wednesday November 6th
Drawing of the Great Grange Raffle 7pm 
Sunday November 17th
BBQ – Eaglehawk Children’s Festival  (TBC) 
Saturday December 7th
Car Parking at the Great Stupa 
Sunday December 15th
BBQ – Bunnings Fundraiser 
Thursday December 19th
Drawing of the Christmas Trailer Raffle
Ever wondered what Rotary and Rotarians do?.......... Alison Bacon 2024-10-13 13:00:00Z 0
Eaglehawk Rotary - Walk with Us Alison Bacon 2024-10-08 13:00:00Z 0

Trivia Night

Club Trivia Night - an event that is always a lot of fun with a lot of laughs - bookings are now open!
Trivia Night Alison Bacon 2024-09-01 14:00:00Z 0

Grange Raffle 2024

The Great Grange Raffle 2024 - back for another chance for you to win - and this year with a bonus extra bottle! Just 200 tickets available - great odds for your ticket to be the one drawn out!
Grange Raffle 2024 Alison Bacon 2024-08-28 14:00:00Z 0
Our Bookshop is Front Page News Alison Bacon 2024-08-08 14:00:00Z 0
Rotary Book Shop - Extended Trading Alison Bacon 2024-08-04 14:00:00Z 0

Sarah Watts with Marvellous Miles

Our club's most recent guest speaker, Sarah Watts, presented on her newly published book 'Marvellous Miles', a book which seeks to raise awareness of epilepsy and to support people living with the condition, especially children.  Our club have available for purchase (at cost) a supply of the books at our book shop, 30 High Street, Eaglehawk.
Sarah Watts with Marvellous Miles Alison Bacon 2024-07-09 14:00:00Z 0

A French Connection

Our club have a strong history of involvement within the Rotary Youth Exchange Program.  At last week's meeting we were treated to a visit from Victor Saelens, a former exchange student, from Lille France, who was hosted jointly by our club in 2017-2018.  Seven years later and Victor surprised many of his former host families and Rotarians with a visit.  Here is Victor presenting to the club about his experiences since being here.  A strong message in the benefits of the student exchange program along with an invitation for any of us to visit him in France.  Now, there are some of us who just may take him up on that offer...... !
A French Connection Alison Bacon 2024-07-03 14:00:00Z 0
July is ....... Alison Bacon 2024-06-30 14:00:00Z 0

Welcome to a new year of Rotary

We celebrated the past rotary year last Friday night - (see some great photos of the night - Photo Albums menu on the right of this page)  Our club thanks go to Immediate Past President Eric, the board and to all members who have made the past year such a success.  A huge year in terms of our club within D9800 with PP Ron Payne and Deb having taken on the role of District Governor.  Whilst it's not the first time one of members has been led the district, it's definitely a year that our current club members will remember with a lot of pride.  We were the home of the District Governor and it was an absolute honour.
We salute you Ron and Deb, you definitely rose to the occasion and conducted yourselves with enthusiasm, professionalism and a great deal of respect and pride in the position.  We are proud of your achievements and look forward to you now having some rest and relaxation, including some additional family time.  
Welcome to a new year of Rotary Alison Bacon 2024-06-30 14:00:00Z 0
D9800 Changeover 2024 Alison Bacon 2024-05-22 14:00:00Z 0

Welcome Kylie

It's always exciting to see someone discover how great it is being involved in Rotary.  Kylie Campbell recently discovered just that.  Having been volunteering alongside us for several months, she was inducted into the club last night - welcome aboard Kylie!
Welcome Kylie Alison Bacon 2024-05-15 14:00:00Z 0
April - Youth Service Month Alison Bacon 2024-05-07 14:00:00Z 0
2024 Trivia Challenge Night - POSTPONED Alison Bacon 2024-04-09 14:00:00Z 0
April - Environmental Focus Alison Bacon 2024-03-31 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary D9800 Conference Bendigo 12th-14th April 2024 Alison Bacon 2024-03-07 13:00:00Z 0

District Conference Showcase

Rotary D9800 Annual Conference - is coming to Bendigo! A fantastic coming together of like-minded Rotarians from throughout the state with some amazing guest speakers. The Rotary Showcase, located in the Gymnasium of the Bendigo Senior Secondary College and will be open to the public - this part of the conference throws a spotlight on the amazing work done by clubs and gives an insight into the scope of the projects and programs undertaken throughout the world. Come along, admission is free, open to the public Saturday 13th April 9am-5pm & Sunday 14th April 8am-12noon - we can't wait to share our excitement with you.
District Conference Showcase Alison Bacon 2024-02-29 13:00:00Z 0
March is ............ Alison Bacon 2024-02-29 13:00:00Z 0

Citizen of the Year - Gai Porh La Myint

Rotary Club of Eaglehawk Citizen of the Year - Gai Porh La Myint or affectionately known as 'GP' has had an enormous impact within both her Karen Community and the local Eaglehawk community.  From having arrived in Australia knowing only 2 words of English, through sheer hard work and determination made her way through school and then onto university to become a qualified pharmacist.  This alone would be a huge task but GP has a strong commitment to family and is a tireless worker in the Karen Community.  Recently having agreed to join our Rotary Club we are so very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with GP to strengthen our clubs connection to the Karen Community and GP is leading the way with many initiatives that will greatly benefit our broader community.  A worthy recipient of the Citizen of the Year recognition.  We are so very proud and thankful that she has chosen our Eaglehawk community in which to share her passion and commitment to 'Doing Good in the World'.  Congratulations GP - a very worthy recipient of this recognition.
Citizen of the Year - Gai Porh La Myint Alison Bacon 2024-01-26 13:00:00Z 0

Karen Community Performance at our Australia Day Breakfast

The magnificent display from our local Karen Community at our Club's Annual Australia Day Breakfast in Canterbury Park.  What an amazing performance, the choreography and precision, a testament to the hours upon hours of practice that is dedicated to the perfecting of their skills.  We are so lucky to have such a wonderful connection with the Karen Community, who share with us in celebrating our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ideals.
Karen Community Performance at our Australia Day Breakfast Alison Bacon 2024-01-25 13:00:00Z 0
Australia Day Community Breakfast Alison Bacon 2024-01-17 13:00:00Z 0

Supporting the Environment - Container Deposit Scheme

One of Rotary's areas of focus is 'Supporting the Environment'. So the recently introduced Container Deposit Scheme is a perfect way for you to partner with Eaglehawk Rotary, help the environment and contribute to our fundraising efforts. By simply choosing our club when you cash in your containers you will be providing us with additional funds, enabling us to expand our financial resources for our projects and programs. This is a great way for you to join us in working in the community. Use this Bar Code information for your donation to be sent directly to our club ...... and thank you for your generous support.
Supporting the Environment - Container Deposit Scheme Alison Bacon 2024-01-12 13:00:00Z 0

Citizen & Young Citizen of the Year

Nominations for Citizen of the Year and Young Citizen of the Year close Monday 8th January - we have many people in our local community that do an amazing amount of charitable work, perhaps you know one of them.  If so, it's a really simple process to nominate them for recognition.  Forms are available from the 'Australia Day 2024' link above.
Citizen & Young Citizen of the Year Alison Bacon 2024-01-04 13:00:00Z 0

Pop Up Food Pantry

Bendigo Foodshare's Pop Up Pantry - a successful partnership through the week when we had Foodshare use our clubrooms.  Another pop up pantry scheduled for Thursday 4th January from 1pm.
Pop Up Food Pantry Alison Bacon 2023-12-29 13:00:00Z 0

...... and the Winner is ............ !!!!

Christmas Trailer Raffle

Rotarians John Jones and Geoff Gallagher, assisted by our newest helper Leo, enjoyed delivering the trailer prize to Janene, who was absolutely thrilled, and very surprised that she had won!
Congratulations to our prize winners in the Combined Rotary Clubs of Eaglehawk and Bendigo South Christmas Trailer Raffle.
First Prize -
Trailer & contents - Won by J Myers - Ticket No 2918
Second Prize -
Reilly's Designer Appliances $1000 Gift Voucher - Won by P Hoskin - Ticket No 6434
Third Prize - Fuel Voucher $300 - Won by R Snowden - Ticket No 2522
We thank everyone for supporting our efforts, tickets sales were slightly down on last year, but it's always wonderful to see the support for Rotary shown by our community.
We thank the 7 community groups who partnered with us in the selling of the raffle tickets - Inner Wheel, Wildlife Rescue, Heartbeat, Dragons Abreast, Women of Note, City of Bendigo Brass Band and Riding for the Disabled.
...... and the Winner is ............ !!!! Alison Bacon 2023-12-21 13:00:00Z 0

Community Trailer Raffle

The Christmas Trailer Raffle has been popping up all over Bendigo for several weeks now.  Have you got your ticket yet?  Finals days as by the end of this week it will be making its way to its new home.  Great value tickets for just $5 each and you could win this trailer full of goodies (and we include the trailer too!).  Good luck! 
Community Trailer Raffle Alison Bacon 2023-12-17 13:00:00Z 0

Carols in Canterbury Park

The Carols Returned - and they were great!

Congratulations to the Eaglehawk Festivals Committee.  A fantastic return to Carols in Canterbury Park.  Our club members were back and setting up as we have done for many years, although a few modifications were in order and our thanks go to O'Brien Electrical for their generous contribution to the electrical requirements to ensure we were able to decorate and provide a great display.
Carols in Canterbury Park Alison Bacon 2023-12-09 13:00:00Z 0

Traditional Nativity Scene

A Borough tradition since 1965

This Nativity Scene was displayed on the balcony of the Eaglehawk Town Hall each December for some 54 years.   Its origin dates back to 1966 when the then Mayoress of the Borough of Eaglehawk, Mrs. Muriel Roy, embarked on what was to become an annual tradition for the Council.   After Local Government amalgamations the annual Christmas display was continued by the Rotary Club of Eaglehawk.  
The nativity scene has been relocated to this window as a nod to its historic relevance of Eaglehawk and is now able to be better viewed and appreciated.   The balcony of the town hall continues to be decorated in a colourful display of trees and lighting - a great festive addition to the Borough in the lead up to Christmas.
Traditional Nativity Scene Alison Bacon 2023-12-07 13:00:00Z 0
The Borough - Shining Brightly Alison Bacon 2023-12-07 13:00:00Z 0

Australia Day 2024

Know someone who has contributed to the Eaglehawk community and they should be recognised for their efforts?  Then nominate them for the Citizen of the Year Award.  Download the nomination forms from the link in the menu above.
Australia Day 2024 Alison Bacon 2023-12-02 13:00:00Z 0
December - Rotary Disease Prevention and Treatment Month Alison Bacon 2023-11-30 13:00:00Z 0

Raffle Results -
Regional Reds Baker's Dozen

Congratulations to the winner of the 'Regional Reds Bakers Dozen' - Mary Cunneen - ticket number 48.
The second prize, accommodation at Allawah Apartments sponsored by Wine Bank on View was won by Brady Fitzpatrick - ticket number 170.
Our club appreciates the support shown by everyone who purchased tickets - once again the odds were great and hence the raffle was very well received by those who purchased tickets. 
A special mention goes to the Wine Bank on View for supporting this fundraiser - once again your assistance has been outstanding and we extend our sincere appreciation to you.
Our club also thanks PP John Jones.  As we all know, for a project to be successful it requires a 'champion' to make it happen.  John is the champion on our raffles - congratulation to you John on yet another outstanding fundraising effort for our club.
Raffle Results -Regional Reds Baker's Dozen Alison Bacon 2023-11-21 13:00:00Z 0

Eaglehawk Children's Festival - Canterbury Park

A great evening - the weather was perfect and the crowds came out.  Our club enjoyed cooking up a storm, sausages and onions were the order of the day with a few veggie burgers thrown in too!  Many families enjoyed the different activities that were on offer, face painting, rock wall climbing and even an experience with a python - something for everyone really
Eaglehawk Children's Festival - Canterbury Park Alison Bacon 2023-11-16 13:00:00Z 0
November - Foundation Month Alison Bacon 2023-10-31 13:00:00Z 0

RUOK Day 2023

An annual event on our club's calendar is to provide a BBQ lunch at the Eaglehawk Secondary College (ESC) to help in the promotion of the RUOK day.  A fantastic initiative and we were pleased to have the support of the O'Brien Electrical Team who as it turns out, are quite good on the BBQ tongs!  Thanks to all for the great team work and to the staff and students who were fantastic and an absolute pleasure to work with.
A couple of familiar faces here - John and Gary on the BBQ and Carmel keeping them in line!
Elliott did a great job on the fried onions - we've all voted that you can join the team - you can never have too many electricians!
An absolute pleasure to provide the BBQ to a fantastic group of students - thanks for making our day so much fun!
RUOK Day 2023 Alison Bacon 2023-09-13 14:00:00Z 0
2023 Wine Raffe Alison Bacon 2023-08-17 14:00:00Z 0

Welcome to our Club  GP

An amazing person with an incredible attitude toward contributing to our community. GP was a guest speaker at our club recently and returned the very next week - 'I want to join!'  So last night it was with immense pleasure that PP John Jones introduced GP and President Eric Smith inducted her onto the team. Welcome GP, we are absolutely delighted that you chose us as your preferred service club.
Welcome to our Club  GP Alison Bacon 2023-08-02 14:00:00Z 0

Welcome to our newest member Gai Porh La Myint - (GP)

Welcome GP

An amazing person with an incredible attitude toward contributing to our community. GP was a guest speaker at our club recently and returned the very next week and expressed her interest in joining us as a member. So last night it was with immense pleasure that PP John Jones introduced GP and President Eric Smith inducted her onto the team. Welcome GP, we are absolutely delighted that you chose us as your preferred service club.
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Welcome to our newest member Gai Porh La Myint - (GP) Alison Bacon 2023-08-02 14:00:00Z 0

District Governor Ron Payne and Debbie
Rotary District 9800

Congratulations to our Past President Rotarian Ron Payne PHF, recently inducted into the position of District Governor for Rotary International District 9800.
Ron and Debbie have long been an integral part of our club.  Ron has served twice as our President, having also undertaken  many positions including Treasurer and Foundation Director.  Ron and Debbie are often found side by side with our members, working the BBQ at a sausage sizzle, marshalling vehicles for the club's car parking commitments and always at the ready for anything that comes our way.
We are extremely proud to acknowledge Ron's dedication and commitment to our club and rotary. 
Ron's appointment as District Governor will see him able to share a wealth of knowledge, compassion and understanding to the clubs within in our district.  A role where he is determined to 'Inform, Inspire and Impact'.
Ron and Debbie have a busy year ahead, a year that will see them visiting in excess of 60 different clubs, from south of the Melbourne CBD to the most northern part of the district on the Murray River.
We wish you safe travels and many happy rotary moments - helping to 'Inform', providing the 'Inspiration' and encouraging the 'Impact'. 
District Governor Ron Payne and DebbieRotary District 9800 Alison Bacon 2023-06-30 14:00:00Z 0

D9800 Annual Changeover

This annual District event holds a special significance for our club, as we will be proudly supporting PP Ron Payne PHF as he commences his year as District Governor.  Ron is a long standing and very active 'hands on' member of our club - leads by example and sets a cracking pace with meeting all of his Rotary commitments.  We invite past and present members and partners, to join with us in celebrating both the start of the new rotary year and the beginning of a fantastic year of Rotary for not just D9800 but also for The Rotary Club of Eaglehawk. 
D9800 Annual Changeover Alison Bacon 2023-05-19 14:00:00Z 0
Our Amazing Community ! Alison Bacon 2023-04-28 14:00:00Z 0
Trivia Challenge 2023 Alison Bacon 2023-03-28 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary Book Shop

PSST!  Have you heard the latest news from our bookshop?  You spoke, we listened!  Extended hours now in operation - still open Saturdays between 10am and Noon but now also open each Wednesday 10am - 1pm.  How good is that?
Rotary Book Shop Alison Bacon 2023-02-28 13:00:00Z 0

Catering at La Trobe Uni

Coinciding with the 118th Birthday of Rotary was our club catering for the National Rural Health Student Network at La Trobe University for O Week. 
We may be renowned for our Bunnings BBQ's but we also do a pretty swish luncheon catering too!  Happy Birthday Rotary International!
Catering at La Trobe Uni Alison Bacon 2023-02-22 13:00:00Z 0

FORaMEAL Cluster Event

We are part of the fantastic Goldfields Cluster of Rotary Clubs.  Today we came together as a team and packed over 11,000 meals to be distributed to those in need, primarily to areas experiencing disasters, both within Australia and internationally.  Rotary D9800 governor joined us, using the opportunity to share both her love of John Farnham and Rotary - what a great combination!
FORaMEAL Cluster Event Alison Bacon 2023-02-03 13:00:00Z 0
Citizen of the Year Recognitions 2023 Alison Bacon 2023-01-26 13:00:00Z 0
Citizen of the Year Awards Alison Bacon 2022-12-09 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary International Convention - Melbourne 2023 Alison Bacon 2022-12-08 13:00:00Z 0

We Have a Winner!

The Great Grange raffle 2022 Vic raffle permit no: 10405/22 winning ticket was number 19 bought by David Pilgrim from Hamilton South, a suburb of Newcastle, NSW. David has been a generous supporter of all our Grange raffles and has bought multiple tickets in each raffle we have conducted. Judging by his reaction to winning we are confident we can look forward to his continued support! Thank you to all members, family, friends and workmates who supported us through buying a ticket (or tickets).
We Have a Winner! Alison Bacon 2022-12-08 13:00:00Z 0

Club Happenings

Want to know what we are up to?
Simply follow us on Facebook  at
or visit this page to catch up on the latest news - there is a drop down menu item at the top of the page where you can find our regular bulletins detailing our activities.  If you see an upcoming event that interests you - simply contact us to find out how to become involved.
Rotary is the ideal option if you want to do more in your community - we simply ask that you contribute 'What you Can - When you Can' - how simple is that!
We hope to see you soon.
Club Happenings Alison Bacon 2022-11-10 13:00:00Z 0
Grange Raffle 2022 Alison Bacon 2022-10-14 13:00:00Z 0
Garden Expo 2023 Alison Bacon 2022-08-01 14:00:00Z 0

Prep Packs 2022

Rotary Eaglehawk makes starting school as simple as ABC

Getting the right start at school is the aim behind a community service project resulting in hundreds of “Prep Packs” being donated to six local primary schools by the Rotary Club of Eaglehawk.
The annual project serves to assist prep students and their families with free educational items including stationery items and a voucher from the Rotary Club Book Shop in High Street, Eaglehawk.
“Rotary is committed to supporting education not only globally but locally,” President Gary said.
“The Eaglehawk area has six primary schools that attract students from families of diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds and it’s vital Rotary plays a part in getting our next generation’s schooling off to a good start.” said Gary.
The mix of primary schools include Eaglehawk, Eaglehawk North, California Gully, Lightning Reef, St Liborius and the nearby town of Raywood.
Last year parents and students were thrilled with their Prep Packs with one parent posting on the club’s Facebook page, “I am writing to thank you for the pencil case of supplies … my son has really enjoyed using all of his gear during remote learning.”
“Globally, our goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy,” said Gary.
“We support education for all children and literacy for children and adults and our Prep Packs are a local initiative that makes starting school as simple as ABC.
“The Rotary Club of Eaglehawk manages a Primary School Scholarship Program which aligns with our international focus on supporting education across diverse and disadvantaged communities,” said Gary.
As prep students settle into their fulltime school hours, Rotary members have been busy ordering supplies and attending working bees to collate and fill hundreds of Prep Packs for delivery.
Prep Packs 2022 Alison Bacon 2022-06-25 14:00:00Z 0

Supporting our Rotary Foundation

At our annual Rotary District Conference members of our club were delighted to present to District 9800 yet another rather large cheque - a contribution we strive to make annually.  Our members are super proud of our efforts over the last couple of years - even with reduced fund raising opportunity we have still managed to lead the way in terms of our club's recognition and support of our very own Foundation.  Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our PP Ron Payne in his role as our Club's Foundation Director. 
Supporting our Rotary Foundation Alison Bacon 2022-06-18 14:00:00Z 0

Dolly Parton Imagination Library

The Dolly Parton Imagination Library has long been a program close to our club - aligning with both the literacy and youth areas of focus of Rotary.  Andy Coldwell recently updated our club on the current broad reach throughout our community so we took the opportunity to present him with our annual contribution - this year totaling $3,000.  Pictured are L to R Andy Coldwell, Gary Frank - President RC Eaglehawk, Rotarian Rita O'Brien - manager of our Club's Second Hand Book Shop and PP John Jones - a passionate supporter of the Imagination Library.      
Dolly Parton Imagination Library Alison Bacon 2022-06-18 14:00:00Z 0

Rotary Bookshop Takes a Road Trip

We took the Book Shop on the road, a small trip into Bendigo to join in the festivities of the Bendigo Easter Fair.  A great opportunity to support our fellow Rotarians at the Rotary Club of Bendigo Strathdale whose annual market attracts the crowds and showcase many small traders from across the region.  Well done to our members who participated, raising funds and promoting Rotary.
Rotary Bookshop Takes a Road Trip Alison Bacon 2022-04-15 14:00:00Z 0

Extended Hours - Bookshop

Extended Trading - Second Hand Bookstore

Second Hand Bookshop
30 High Street, Eaglehawk
Special Hours of Operation this weekend -
Friday 18th, Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th March - 10am to 3pm
Extended Hours - Bookshop Alison Bacon 2022-03-14 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary Book Shop

A feature of the main street of Eaglehawk is the Rotary Book Shop - a well established tradition in the local community will see many popping into the shop every Saturday morning between 10am and 12noon to browse and buy their reading material for the coming week.  Looking forward to seeing you this Saturday!
Rotary Book Shop Alison Bacon 2022-03-03 13:00:00Z 0
Vale - Howard S Osborne PHF Alison Bacon 2022-02-04 13:00:00Z 0
John Pearce - Citizen of the Year Alison Bacon 2022-01-25 13:00:00Z 0

Australia Day Community Breakfast - CANCELLED

We regret to advise that the annual Australia Day Community Breakfast has been cancelled.  At this stage of the Pandemic our Club assessed the risk involved in holding an event that brings together up to 500 people in a social environment and the associated risk of the spread of Covid at a time when it has been highly anticipated that the Omicron variant will be at its peak.
We share your disappointment but as a community service organisation we are acutely aware of our social responsibilities and the current health impact within our community so our members eagerly look forward to a return in the future of community events that can be held in a safe environment that can be enjoyed by both our members and the community.
President and Members,
Rotary Club of Eaglehawk
Australia Day Community Breakfast - CANCELLED Alison Bacon 2022-01-21 13:00:00Z 0

Traditional Christmas Displays

Congratulations to club members for again undertaking the annual display of Christmas Lights and Nativity Scene. The display has been part of the Eaglehawk landscape for many years and is always a talking point - again the nativity scene attracted a lot of interest and special mention to Rotarian Rita O'Brien for her generosity and assistance in providing the Rotary Book Shop Window for this wonderful traditional display to be continued.  Long standing club member Rotarian Trevor Lock has continued his amazing restorative work to ensure the nativity scene is at its best each year.  Thanks are also extended to President Gary for his electrical expertise in ensuring the displays are shining brightly.
Traditional Christmas Displays Alison Bacon 2021-12-28 13:00:00Z 0

Wine Raffle Winner

and the winner is...... Alan Napier - with the winning ticket number 106.  Congratulations Alan, we know you are thrilled to have won and now have many (more) friends!
Wine Raffle Winner Alison Bacon 2021-12-05 13:00:00Z 0

Wine Raffle


Our clubs' current major fundraising effort supports and promotes our local wine growers as well as raising much needed funds for our clubs work throughout the community. Tickets can be purchased directly from -
You've got to be in it to win it - and to win this would be a wine lovers dream! Come on - we know you want to.
Wine Raffle  Alison Bacon 2021-11-08 13:00:00Z 0
Premium Wine Raffle Alison Bacon 2021-10-02 14:00:00Z 0
September is Basic Education and Literacy Month Alison Bacon 2021-09-13 14:00:00Z 0
President 2021-2022 Rotarian Gary Frank Alison Bacon 2021-08-22 14:00:00Z 0

Car Boot Sale

Car Boot Sale - 8th May

Did you have a bit of a clean out over the last few months but didn't know where to donate your excess?  Then we have the solution for you - come along to our Car Boot Sale on Saturday 8th May from 9am till 1pm at the Mechanics Facility, 8 School Street, California Gully.  For just $5/site you can help our club and move along all those items that you no longer want - but someone else will!  Don't have anything to sell you say - then come along and see what bargains you can grab - sure to be something you just have to have.  Call Mick 0428468298 for additional info!
Car Boot Sale Alison Bacon 2021-04-23 14:00:00Z 0
International Women's Day Alison Bacon 2021-03-12 13:00:00Z 0

Australia Day 2021

Celebrating Australia Day 2021 was slightly different than previous years - different venue and reduced crowd, but still a great celebration!. We were delighted to recognise and congratulate Eaglehawk Rotary's Citizen of the Year - Eric Smith. Eric's amazing contribution to our community over many years is outstanding, congratulations Eric, such a well deserved honour. The day was a great example of how easily our club is adapting to the changes currently being experienced - well done to all members for your planning, re-planning and outcomes - we really are part of a great club and so very fortunate to be involved in such a great community.
Australia Day 2021 Alison Bacon 2021-02-02 13:00:00Z 0

Australia Day 2021

Eric Smith - Citizen of the Year for lifetime of community service

Former Eaglehawk CFA Captain, Eric Smith, who was instrumental in protecting the community on Black Saturday will be bestowed the honour of Eaglehawk Citizen of the Year for 2021
Australia Day 2021 Alison Bacon 2021-01-18 13:00:00Z 0

Vale - Gordon McKern OAM

It is with great sadness that our club acknowledge the passing of Past District Governor, Gordon McKern OAM.
Gordon’s contribution to the local community has been immeasurable over the years but from our club’s perspective we wish to recognise the enormity of Gordon’s influence and guidance for our members since he originally joined in 1976.  As a club member, board member, President, representing our club at District level to then the role of D9800 Governor in 1992/93.  It was during his role of DG that Gordon’s passion put the Rotary House Project on the map – his pet project as he often referred to it as.  Recently Rotary House again became a focus as it enters its next phase, this new development that again Gordon was ‘absolutely delighted’ to support.
Gordon’s support of the Rotary Foundation has long been recognised throughout the broader Rotary Community along with his outstanding willingness to support and further many Rotary causes.
Gordon has received many accolades over the years but the recognition afforded him in 2019 – the Rotary Service Above Self Award – was indeed very special, being only one of 100 awarded internationally in any given year.
Gordon we thank you sincerely for your devotion to the Rotary Club of Eaglehawk and the impact you had both locally and internationally.   We know you enjoyed your involvement, so did we – you will be missed.
Vale - Gordon McKern OAM Alison Bacon 2020-11-30 13:00:00Z 0

Citizens of the Year - 2021

Eaglehawk has many people who work tirelessly throughout the community addressing an abundance of needs. If you know of, admire and wish to highlight the work done by a member of our community then this is your chance to have them appropriately recognised for their efforts. Download your Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year Nomination forms from the Menu item 'Citizen of the Year Nominations' at the top of this page and make sure those hard working, community focused people receive some recognition for their marvelous contributions to our wonderful Eaglehawk community. This is another community initiative brought to you by the Rotary Club of Eaglehawk.
Citizens of the Year - 2021 Alison Bacon 2020-11-01 13:00:00Z 0

Grange Raffle 2020

We Have a Winner - Great Grange Raffle 2020

Congratulations to R. Hargreaves (Ticket No. 54) a very happy winner of 10 Bottles of Penfolds Grange.  Thank you to all who contributed to this Club Fundraising effort.  Final tally still being calculated but a profit in excess of $9,000 is anticipated!  Our club recognises the huge efforts of PP John Jones for again giving this his all - a great outcome and a wonderful result for our club's funds available for our community and beyond.
Grange Raffle 2020 Alison Bacon 2020-10-14 13:00:00Z 0

Backpack Beds for the Homeless

We recently had Lisa Clark present at our meeting talking about
Backpack Beds for the Homeless.
A very impressive initiative that was undertaken by recognising a need and then going on to design a product to fill this need.
Almost 35,000 Backpack Beds have been provided to the homeless across 8 countries and with over 750 homeless agencies across Australia provide Backpack Beds to street sleeping homeless people in need.
Backpack Bed for Homeless    A non-profit charity organisation 
Winner 2011 - Australian Human Rights Award
700+ Homeless Agency Partners in 8 countries
7 International Product Design Awards + 4 museums
Backpack Beds for the Homeless Alison Bacon 2020-09-04 14:00:00Z 0

Raffle Tix - Last Call for Tickets!

Rotary Club of Eaglehawk is a proud beneficiary of The Raffle Project’s Weekly Raffle, an initiative that supports not-for profit, declared community and charitable organisations across Australia.

Buy a ticket and stand a chance to win 1 of 20 $50 Gift Card Vouchers! The funds raised in the Weekly Raffle will support Rotary Club of Eaglehawk's local community work.

Tickets start at 5 for $5. The raffle will be drawn on Friday 31 July at 3pm.

Follow this link to buy your tickets -
Raffle Tix - Last Call for Tickets! Alison Bacon 2020-07-29 14:00:00Z 0
Mick Costello - Centenary President 2020-2021 Alison Bacon 2020-06-29 14:00:00Z 0
Vale Sir Clement William Bailey Renouf, AM 1921-2020 Alison Bacon 2020-06-13 14:00:00Z 0

Meeting Cancellations

Posted on Mar. 16, 2020
Suspension of Club Meetings and Activities
President John Jones, in consultation with the Club's Leadership Team and in consideration of the information provided from Rotary International and Rotary D9800 has from today suspended our club weekly dinner meetings until further notice.  The Board of the club will continue to meet as needed to ensure the club continues to meet any financial obligations and in so doing will also ensure we keep the best interests of our members, families and our community first and foremost in our minds.
Meeting Cancellations Alison Bacon 2020-03-15 13:00:00Z 0

Breakfast Program at Eaglehawk Primary School

Feeding the body and the mind.
Pastor Brock Gravener and Allison Phillips paid us a visit to talk about the wonderful breakfast program at Eaglehawk Primary School.  Volunteers from our club have committed to assisting and are looking forward to playing such a vital role in the healthy mind and body of our future generations.  
Breakfast Program at Eaglehawk Primary School Alison Bacon 2020-03-08 13:00:00Z 0
Eaglehawk Citizens of the Year Alison Bacon 2020-02-01 13:00:00Z 0
Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year Presentations Alison Bacon 2020-01-21 13:00:00Z 0

Australia Day

Australia Day Community Breakfast

The Annual Australia Day Breakfast in Canterbury Park, Eaglehawk - another community program presented by the Rotary Club of Eaglehawk and sponsored by the City of Greater Bendigo. Always a great morning for our local community!
Australia Day Alison Bacon 2020-01-17 13:00:00Z 0

Disaster Relief Rotary D9800

District Governor, Grant Hocking, addresses the current status of assistance from our District to those effected by the ongoing bushfires throughout Australia - 
Disaster Relief Rotary D9800 Alison Bacon 2020-01-02 13:00:00Z 0

Monster Christmas Raffle

The drawing of the Monster Christmas Raffle for 2019 again created a huge amount of interest at Fairleys SUPA IGA in Eaglehawk on Saturday 21st December.  With the winning tickets being drawn by our eager helper Kaitlyn.  First Prize being the contents of the Monster Stocking was won by Lucas Williams.  Second Price - the wheelbarrow and contents being won by Flatuka of East Malvern with Third Prize going to Andrew Hicks.  All winners have now been contacted and the prizes delivered.  Our thanks to the many people who supported this fundraising effort, the ticket sellers, our members, partners and family but most importantly the thousands of people who purchased the tickets - your support for our efforts truly is valued and appreciated.
President John supervising as Kaitlyn from Fairley's Eaglehawk SUPA IGA draws the winning tickets.
Monster Christmas Raffle Alison Bacon 2019-12-27 13:00:00Z 0

The Winner is ........

Great Grange Raffle 2019

This raffle was drawn on Wednesday 4th December with the winning ticket being number 37 - Robert Chapman, from Valentine in NSW.  We gratefully acknowledge David Tyndall from Tyndall Eddy and Partners for donating your time to attend our meeting for the sole purpose of officially drawing the winning ticket.  Congratulations to President John for your unique contribution to our club's fundraising and a huge thank you to those who purchased tickets - all funds raised will go towards our efforts in the community to assist those in need, just like the previous Grange Raffle when funds were used to further the literacy education within the community and also supported our club's Drought Relief Efforts.  
The Winner is ........ Alison Bacon 2019-12-05 13:00:00Z 0

Australia Day Citizens of the Year


The Rotary Club of Eaglehawk are proud to promote community participation. 

We annually recognise people who have made an outstanding contribution throughout our 3556 area. 

Please help us to honour those among us who continue to exemplify the ideals of

community spirit and commitment.

Nomination forms can be downloaded using the link at the top of this page.

Nominations Close Friday 13th December, 2019.


Australia Day Citizens of the Year apb 2019-10-23 13:00:00Z 0
Great Grange Raffle 2019 Alison Bacon 2019-10-15 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary Walk to End Polio

Rotary Walk to End Polio - Join us for a lovely walk around Eaglehawk's Lake Neangar on Saturday 19th October at 10.00am.   Log on to the website at and follow the prompts.  Participants will need to sign on and the $10.00 registration will provide them with entry into the event.  You can join a team or simply donate. 
Rotary Walk to End Polio Alison Bacon 2019-10-15 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary Youth Exchange Program apb 2019-10-13 13:00:00Z 0
2019 Music Trivia Fundraising Event APB 2019-08-20 14:00:00Z 0
2019-2020 Board Members Alison Bacon 2019-08-01 14:00:00Z 0